We have had quite a few returning boats and we were glad to see them and hope they had a wonderful summer up north. There are still a few that have just started out. Fall cruising can be quite nice. We get quite excited when we see returning boats, its like seeing friends again after a long time. The boaters are wonderful people and we enjoy their visits. A few have stayed for several days, and they are special to us. They know who they are.
We were all able to attend the annual Port Harvey Pot Luck. It was held at Kate and Joel's this year and may be held here next year. It was nice to see all the neighbors, from Lagoon Cove to Burial Cove and Soderman Cove and of course from Port Harvey itself. A great time was had be all. Last year it was held at John and Nancy's.
The days are getting shorter and the nights are longer. It is still quite warm and we have very little rain. The blackberries have been abundant and there were even some huckleberries which are quite good. Time to make jam now. Melissa wants some before she leaves.
Have lots of zucchini as well and plan on making relish which was George's dads favorite. The flowers have died, but that was expected with no moisture and not being able to water. Can't believe that the garden survived, all except the potatoes. The tomatoes are going to be plentiful, if they ripen. May have to force them to.
We are looking forward to fall and cooler weather. Logs need to be gathered and split for the winter and the garden has to be put away. We will be busy this winter making more dock, the showers and washrooms, laundry etc.