Melissa and Darren came on the 26th of April and have been busy ever since. They put the store together for me by stocking the shelves and finishing the pricing. They did a very good job as they both had a very good eye at to where items should go.

Flowers are blooming and the hummingbirds are a-humming. The grass needs mowing badly, hopefully the new blades are in. Darn those rocks and witness pins!! They do tend to sneak up on a mower and jump out at it. There are not too many mosquitoes yet, but I believe it is because it had been quite cold. I think my rose tree has suffered from the cold as only a few leaves have emerged.
We had a visitor on the 27th. The San Souci called and wanted to tie up for the night. Because it was 120 ton and our piles were not in, we suggested that they anchor out. Ken and his wife are on their way to Japan, via Alaska. Check out his blog: . 
We are basically open for business, just have to put up the banners.
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